Ditching Google Chrome for Microsoft Edge

Ditching Google Chrome for Microsoft Edge raw
Ditching Google Chrome for Microsoft Edge raw

I have a complicated history with Microsoft, one that dates back to the early days of personal computing. I started my tech journey with Microsoft 3.11, a time when the graphical user interface was a novelty and the idea of a mouse-driven interface was revolutionary. As I honed my skills and grew into a professional during the era of Windows XP, my relationship with Microsoft became more contentious.

Back in college, I was introduced to Turbo C++—an experience that, in retrospect, felt like a detour. Turbo wasn’t standard ANSI, making it a cumbersome tool when I later encountered more universal platforms like Linux and UNIX. It felt like learning a dialect of a language that no one else spoke, a source of frustration and inefficiency.

As the years went by, my dissatisfaction with Microsoft grew. The operating system felt bloated and expensive, a magnet for viruses, and just plain clunky. By 2008, I’d had enough. I ditched Windows for Linux, and eventually MacOS became my daily driver. The transition felt liberating. I never looked back… until Microsoft released Visual Studio Code (VS Code), an IDE that quickly became my go-to tool. It was sleek, efficient, and surprisingly reliable—a far cry from the Microsoft I had left behind.

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The Chrome Conundrum

Fast forward to the present, and I found myself in a similar situation with Google Chrome. Chrome, once the darling of the browser world, had become a necessary evil in my digital life. It started off strong, winning me over with its speed and simplicity. But over time, it began to show its flaws.

Common Google Chrome Issues:

  1. Resource Hog: Chrome’s notorious appetite for RAM is no secret. With each tab consuming significant memory, my system’s performance would often slow to a crawl, especially when running resource-intensive applications.
  2. Battery Drain: Using Chrome on a laptop? Better keep your charger handy. The browser is infamous for draining battery life at an alarming rate.
  3. Privacy Concerns: Google’s business model relies heavily on data collection, making Chrome a less-than-ideal choice for those who value their privacy.
  4. Bloat: Over the years, Chrome has become increasingly bloated, packed with features that I seldom used but that added to its heft.

Enter Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge - collections

Reluctantly, I decided to give Microsoft Edge a try. To my surprise, it felt like deja vu—a repeat of my experience with VS Code. Edge was everything Chrome had once promised to be: clean, efficient, and fast. It was as if Microsoft had taken all the lessons learned from their previous missteps and applied them to create a browser that genuinely stood out.

Where Microsoft Edge Got It Right:

  1. Performance: Edge is remarkably light on system resources. It doesn’t consume RAM like Chrome, which means my computer runs smoother and faster, even with multiple tabs open.
  2. Battery Efficiency: Edge is optimized for better battery life, making it a superior choice for laptop users. I can go longer without reaching for the charger, a boon for productivity on the go.
  3. Privacy Features: Microsoft has made a concerted effort to prioritize user privacy. Edge includes robust tracking prevention features that give me more control over my data.
  4. User Experience: The user interface is intuitive and clutter-free. It feels modern and streamlined, a refreshing change from the increasingly cluttered Chrome interface.
Microsoft Edge - copilot
  • Seamless Transition: Edge makes it easy to switch by importing extensions, bookmarks, and cookies from Chrome. So far, everything works perfectly, ensuring a smooth transition without losing any of my customized settings or tools.
  • Collections: This feature turns your browser into a local Pinterest. I can easily group my interests, label them, and get back to them when needed. Collections can contain images, entire pages, and snippets, making it a versatile tool for organizing my digital life.
  • CoPilot Integration: Edge’s CoPilot is a game-changer. It’s an AI-powered assistant that helps with everything from generating content to providing suggestions based on my browsing habits. CoPilot can draft emails, summarize articles, and even assist in coding tasks, making it an invaluable resource for multitasking and boosting productivity.
  • Convenient Tools: Common tools such as a calculator, translator, world time, dictionary, and more are readily available via the sidebar. This convenience means I don’t need to open new tabs or apps, streamlining my workflow and saving time.
  1. More Discoveries: I’m sure there are many more features I haven’t discovered yet. Edge keeps surprising me with its thoughtful design and functionality, making my browsing experience continually better.
Microsoft Edge - Tools

Switching from Chrome to Edge felt like coming full circle. It’s a reminder that technology is constantly evolving, and sometimes, the brands or tools we leave behind can reinvent themselves in ways that surpass our expectations. For someone who once swore off Microsoft, it’s ironic but satisfying to find myself back in the fold, this time with a tool that genuinely enhances my digital life.

In the end, it’s not about brand loyalty; it’s about finding the right tools that work for you. For now, Microsoft Edge is that tool for me, providing a browsing experience that is cleaner, more efficient, and less taxing on my system—a true testament to Microsoft’s evolution in the tech world.

2 thoughts on “Ditching Google Chrome for Microsoft Edge

  1. I liked Edge at first when it was lean and got out of your way. Chromium was a good change for Edge. The whole Trident engine was not winning the war. But then Edge got a lot of add ons and features and I stopped using Edge and went back to Chrome. Now I mostly use Safari on a iPad Air and leave my Windows laptop sit.

    1. Hi John. I totally agree with you. It’s really a “to each his own” thing. However, don’t you find Safari too limiting? It’s not actually up to date with the latest WWW standards thus most sites will behave weirdly with it. Do let me know your experience with this.

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