Understanding the Termux File System Structure

Termux is a powerful terminal emulator that brings a Linux-like environment to your Android device. However, to fully leverage its capabilities, it’s essential to understand the Termux file system structure. This guide will walk you through the key directories, file management commands, and advanced tips to help you navigate Termux efficiently.

For the comprehensive guide on Termux, check our Ultimate Termux Guide.

Table of Contents

Breaking Down the Termux File System Structure

The Termux file system is modeled after a typical Linux file system but is adapted to work on Android. Here’s an overview of the most important directories:

  • /data/data/com.termux/files/home/: Your home directory, where Termux starts by default. This is similar to the /home/username/ directory in Linux.
  • /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/: Contains installed packages and binaries, equivalent to the /usr/ directory in Linux.
  • /storage/: Provides access to shared storage on your Android device, including internal storage and SD cards.

Essential Directories and Their Roles

Understanding the roles of key directories is crucial for effective file management:

  1. /bin/: Hosts essential command binaries like ls, cp, and mv.
  2. /etc/: Stores configuration files.
  3. /tmp/: Used for temporary files.
  4. /var/: Contains variable data, such as logs and cache.
  5. /opt/: Reserved for optional software packages.

Here are some commands to help you explore and manage files within Termux:

$ cd /path/to/directory # Change directory 
$ pwd # Print the current directory
$ ls  # List the contents of a directory

Managing Files and Directories

$ mkdir new_directory # Create a new directory 
$ touch newfile.txt # Create a new file 
$ rm newfile.txt # Delete a file 
$ rm -r new_directory/ # Delete a directory and its contents

Copying and Moving Files

$ cp source.txt destination.txt # Copy a file 
$ mv oldname.txt newname.txt # Rename or move a file

Viewing and Editing Files

$ cat filename.txt # View file content 
$ nano filename.txt # Edit a file using nano

Accessing Android’s Shared Storage in Termux

To access your device’s shared storage, follow these steps:

Granting Storage Permission

$ termux-setup-storage

This command enables access to internal storage and external SD cards under the /storage/ directory.

$ cd /storage/emulated/0/ # Access internal storage 
$ cd /storage/XXXX-XXXX/ # Access external SD card
$ ln -s /storage/emulated/0/ ~/storage 
$ ln -s /storage/XXXX-XXXX/ ~/sdcard

Advanced File Management Tips

For more advanced file management in Termux, try these tips:

Batch Renaming Files

Rename all .txt files to .bak in the current directory.

$ for file in *.txt; do mv "$file" "${file%.txt}.bak"; done

Finding and Deleting Files

Find and delete all .log files in a specified directory.

$ find /path/to/search -name "*.log" -type f -delete

Compressing and Extracting Files

$ tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/folder # Compress a directory 
$ tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz # Extract an archive


Understanding the Termux file system structure is key to maximizing the potential of this versatile Android terminal emulator. By familiarizing yourself with the essential directories and mastering file management commands, you can navigate and manage your files in Termux like a pro.

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