A Personal Farewell to CentOS: Reflecting on a Legacy and Looking Ahead

A Personal Farewell to CentOS: Reflecting on a Legacy and Looking Ahead
A Personal Farewell to CentOS: Reflecting on a Legacy and Looking Ahead

The announcement of CentOS’s end of life feels like the end of an era for many in the Linux community, myself included. This transition signifies more than just a change in software support; it marks the closing chapter of a significant part of my professional journey. For years, CentOS has been a foundational element in the landscape of Linux distributions, providing a stable and reliable environment for countless developers, system administrators, and IT professionals. Its commitment to open-source principles and its robust feature set have made it a trusted choice for deploying enterprise-grade applications and services.

As CentOS reaches its end, I find myself reflecting on the many ways this Linux distribution has shaped my career and the projects I’ve poured my heart into over the years. I recall the countless late nights spent troubleshooting configurations, optimizing server performance, and implementing security measures—all within the CentOS ecosystem. Each challenge overcame and each lesson learned has contributed to my growth as a professional and a technologist. The community surrounding CentOS has been a source of inspiration and collaboration, fostering an environment where knowledge sharing and innovation flourished. While I recognize that change is a natural part of technology, the departure of CentOS reminds me of the deep connections formed and the memories created during this journey. It serves as a poignant reminder of how software, and the communities around it, can profoundly influence our careers and lives.

Table of Contents

My Introduction to Linux Server Administration

My first encounter with Linux server administration was with CentOS 4. I remember the excitement and challenge of diving into this new world, learning the ropes, and understanding the intricacies of managing a Linux server. CentOS, with its robustness and stability, became the foundation of my technical education. Those early days were filled with late nights, countless cups of coffee, and the thrill of solving complex problems. CentOS wasn’t just a tool; it was my mentor.

Deploying Enterprise Applications

As my skills grew, so did my responsibilities. CentOS was my go-to distribution for deploying enterprise applications. I had the privilege of working on some significant projects that relied heavily on CentOS. One of the most notable was the first few iterations of the Supreme Court E-Library, a crucial resource that made legal documents more accessible. Another was the BIPED Human Resource Information Management System, which streamlined HR processes for many organizations. These projects were challenging and rewarding, and CentOS was the reliable backbone that supported our endeavors.

The Reliability of CentOS

CentOS was never perfect, but it was incredibly reliable and robust, especially with the introduction of CentOS SE. Its stability made it a trusted choice for production environments, where uptime and security were paramount. The community support and the fact that it was a free, open-source platform made it accessible and invaluable for many, including myself.

A Sad Farewell

Learning about the end of CentOS is a bittersweet moment. It’s like the universe is telling me that just as I started my career with CentOS, it’s now ending a few days after my birthday. There’s a deep sense of nostalgia and a tinge of sadness as I think about the countless hours spent working with this OS, the challenges overcome, and the achievements unlocked.

Looking Ahead

Despite the sadness, I recognize that the end of CentOS also opens new doors. The shift to CentOS Stream, while different, represents a new chapter in the Linux story. For those of us who relied on CentOS, it’s time to explore alternatives and adapt to new environments. Here are some of the paths I’m considering:

  • CentOS Stream: The immediate successor to CentOS Linux, though its rolling release model might not suit all production environments. Learn more about it on the CentOS Stream website.
  • RHEL: Red Hat Enterprise Linux remains a robust option, with free subscriptions for small production workloads under the RHEL Developer program.
  • Rocky Linux: Created by one of the original CentOS founders, Rocky Linux promises to continue the legacy of a stable, community-driven RHEL clone. Find out more at the Rocky Linux website.
  • AlmaLinux: Another strong contender, AlmaLinux is managed by a non-profit foundation and aims to provide long-term support and stability. Visit the AlmaLinux website for more information.
  • Other Distributions: Depending on the specific needs of the project, distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) might also be suitable.

Moving Forward

Transitioning away from CentOS will require careful planning and execution. I’m already assessing my current systems, evaluating alternatives, and drafting migration plans. It’s crucial to ensure that the new environment is as reliable and secure as CentOS has been for all these years.


As I bid farewell to CentOS, I’m filled with gratitude for the role it has played in my career. It has been a reliable companion, a teacher, and a tool that has enabled me to accomplish so much. While it’s a sad day, it’s also a day to look forward to new opportunities and innovations in the open-source world.

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