Control Multiple LEDs with Timers on ESP32: A Complete Guide

Watch as the ESP32 controls three LEDs independently through GPIO pins 18, 19, and 21 on the breadboard, demonstrating the power of timers for simultaneous LED control.

The ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller that offers great flexibility in controlling hardware components, such as LEDs, through its GPIO pins. In a previous article, we explored how to control a single LED with a timer on the ESP32. Now, in this article, we’ll take it a step further by showing you how to control multiple LEDs with timers on ESP32, using the built-in Timer class in MicroPython. This approach allows you to create distinct blinking patterns for each LED, handling multiple LEDs independently without blocking or interrupting other operations on the ESP32.

When working with multiple LEDs with timers on ESP32, each LED can be assigned to its own timer, allowing for precise control over blinking rates and intervals. By using the Timer class, you can set timers to toggle each LED on or off at specified time intervals. This method enables smooth operation, ensuring that each LED functions independently of others, making it ideal for projects involving multiple indicators or notifications.

Table of Contents

Wiring the Circuit for Multiple LEDs with Timers on ESP32

Close-up of the ESP32 on a breadboard, driving three LEDs through GPIO pins 18, 19, and 21, demonstrating independent control with timers.
Close-up of the ESP32 on a breadboard, driving three LEDs through GPIO pins 18, 19, and 21, demonstrating independent control with timers.

To get started with controlling multiple LEDs with timers on ESP32, you need to wire the LEDs to specific GPIO pins. This section will describe the wiring for each LED and how to connect them to the ESP32.

Components Needed:

  • 3 LEDs
  • 3 Resistors (220Ω each)
  • Breadboard and jumper wires
  • ESP32 board

Wiring Steps:

  1. LED Connections:
    • Pin 18 (GPIO18): Connect the longer leg (anode) of the first LED to GPIO18 on the ESP32. Connect the shorter leg (cathode) of the LED to one end of a 220Ω resistor.
    • Pin 21 (GPIO21): Connect the longer leg (anode) of the second LED to GPIO21 on the ESP32. Connect the shorter leg (cathode) of the LED to one end of another 220Ω resistor.
    • Pin 19 (GPIO19): Connect the longer leg (anode) of the third LED to GPIO19 on the ESP32. Connect the shorter leg (cathode) of the LED to one end of the last 220Ω resistor.
  2. Ground Connections:
    • Connect the other end of each 220Ω resistor to GND (ground) on the ESP32. This ensures that the LED circuit is complete and the current can flow properly.

By using resistors, we protect the LEDs from excessive current, ensuring they function properly and don’t burn out.

Circuit Diagram

Below is a rudimentary circuit diagram illustrating the setup:

ESP32 3 LEDs circuit diagram
Diagram showing the wiring of an ESP32 controlling three LEDs independently through GPIO pins 18, 19, and 21, demonstrating the use of timers for separate LED control.

Implementing Timers for Multiple LEDs

You can create individual timer functions for each LED. These timers will toggle the LED’s state (on or off) at different intervals, giving you control over their blink patterns. Here’s how you can implement this in MicroPython:

from machine import Pin, Timer

# Define the pins for the LEDs
led_pin_18 = Pin(18, Pin.OUT)
led_pin_21 = Pin(21, Pin.OUT)
led_pin_19 = Pin(19, Pin.OUT)

# Counters for controlling the blink intervals
counter_18 = 0
counter_21 = 0
counter_19 = 0

# Function to control LED on pin 18
def led_blink_18(t):
    global counter_18
    counter_18 += 1
    if counter_18 >= 5:  # Blink every 500 ms
        led_pin_18.value(not led_pin_18.value())
        print("LED 18 is ON" if led_pin_18.value() else "LED 18 is OFF")
        counter_18 = 0

# Function to control LED on pin 21
def led_blink_21(t):
    global counter_21
    counter_21 += 1
    if counter_21 >= 3:  # Blink every 300 ms
        led_pin_21.value(not led_pin_21.value())
        print("LED 21 is ON" if led_pin_21.value() else "LED 21 is OFF")
        counter_21 = 0

# Function to control LED on pin 19
def led_blink_19(t):
    global counter_19
    counter_19 += 1
    if counter_19 >= 7:  # Blink every 700 ms
        led_pin_19.value(not led_pin_19.value())
        print("LED 19 is ON" if led_pin_19.value() else "LED 19 is OFF")
        counter_19 = 0

# Set up the timers for each LED
t1 = Timer(1)
t2 = Timer(2)
t3 = Timer(3)

t1.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=led_blink_18)
t2.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=led_blink_21)
t3.init(period=100, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=led_blink_19)

How It Works

  1. Pin Setup: Each LED is connected to a unique GPIO pin on the ESP32.
  2. Timer Control: Each LED has a corresponding timer with a specific blink interval. For example, one LED blinks every 500 ms, another every 300 ms, and the third every 700 ms.
  3. Timer Callbacks: The callback functions toggle the state of each LED independently, using counters to control the timing without blocking other operations.
  4. Independent Operation: This method allows each LED to blink at its own rate, making it suitable for projects where multiple indicators or status lights are needed.

Why Use Timers for Multiple LEDs?

Using multiple timers for LEDs on ESP32 offers several benefits:

  • Non-blocking: Each LED operates independently without blocking other operations on the ESP32.
  • Efficiency: The timer interrupts are lightweight and don’t consume excessive CPU resources, making them ideal for long-running applications.
  • Flexibility: You can easily adjust the blink intervals for each LED based on your project requirements.


In this guide, we demonstrated how to control multiple LEDs with timers on ESP32, providing a smooth and efficient way to manage multiple indicators with different timing patterns. By leveraging the Timer class in MicroPython, you can ensure that each LED blinks at its own pace without interfering with other operations. This technique is ideal for projects that require multiple status indicators or other LED-driven applications.

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