How to Install and Configure Vim in Termux

a frog playing with the google android mascot. gritty grungy textured aesthetic

Vim is a powerful text editor favored by developers and system administrators for its efficiency and versatility. If you’re using Termux, a terminal emulator for Android, you can easily install and configure Vim in Termux to boost your productivity. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to get Vim up and running in Termux, along with some essential configurations to enhance your experience.

a frog playing with the google android mascot. gritty grungy textured aesthetic

Table of Contents

  1. Step 1: Installing Vim in Termux
  2. Step 2: Basic Usage of Vim in Termux
  3. Step 3: Configuring Vim in Termux
  4. Step 4: Advanced Customization of Vim in Termux
  5. Step 5: Mastering Vim in Termux
  6. Conclusion

Step 1: Installing Vim in Termux

Installing Vim in Termux is straightforward, as it is available directly from the Termux package repository. Follow these steps to install Vim in Termux:

Update your package list:

$ pkg update

Install Vim:

$ pkg install vim

Verify the Installation: After the installation is complete, you can check the version of Vim installed by running:

$ vim --version 

This command confirms that you’ve successfully installed Vim in Termux and provides details on the features available.

Step 2: Basic Usage of Vim in Termux

Understanding the basics of Vim is crucial to getting the most out of it in Termux. Here are some fundamental commands:

Opening a file in Vim:

To create or open a file in Vim, use:

$ vim filename.txt

Entering Insert Mode:

Press i to switch to Insert Mode, where you can type and edit text.

Exiting Insert Mode:

Press Esc to return to Normal Mode, where you can navigate and execute commands.

Saving and Exiting:

To save changes and exit Vim, type :wq and press Enter.

To exit without saving, type :q! and press Enter.

Step 3: Configuring Vim in Termux

One of the strengths of Vim in Termux is its high level of customization through the .vimrc configuration file. Follow these steps to set up your ideal environment:

Create and Edit .vimrc:

Open or create the .vimrc file in your home directory:

$ vim ~/.vimrc

Basic Configuration Options:

Below are some common settings you can add to your .vimrc file to optimize Vim in Termux:vimCopy code

set number " Show line numbers 
set tabstop=4 " Set tab width to 4 spaces 
set shiftwidth=4 " Set indentation width to 4 spaces 
set expandtab " Convert tabs to spaces 
set autoindent " Enable automatic indentation 
Set background to dark for better readability in Termux

Enhancing Vim with Plugins:
  • Vim in Termux can be extended with plugins. Consider using a plugin manager like Vundle to manage your plugins easily.
Installing Vundle:

First, ensure git is installed:

$ pkg install git

Clone the Vundle repository:

$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Add the following to your .vimrc to start using Vundle:

set nocompatible              " Be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " Required
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'  " Let Vundle manage Vundle, required
call vundle#end()              " Required
filetype plugin indent on      " Required

To install plugins, open Vim and run :PluginInstall.

Step 4: Advanced Customization of Vim in Termux

For advanced users, Vim in Termux can be further customized to suit specific needs:

Custom Key Mappings:

Create custom key mappings in your .vimrc for efficiency. For example, map Ctrl+S to save:

nnoremap <C-s> :w<CR>

Color Schemes:

Apply different color schemes to enhance your Vim experience in Termux:

codecolorscheme desert

Auto-completion and Other Plugins:

Consider adding plugins like YouCompleteMe for code auto-completion and other advanced features.

Step 5: Mastering Vim in Termux

Mastering Vim takes practice, especially when using it in Termux. Here are some tips to improve:

  • Vimtutor:
    Use the built-in vimtutor command to learn Vim’s basics in an interactive way.
  • Interactive Learning:
    Websites like Vim Adventures provide a gamified approach to learning Vim.
  • Daily Usage:
    Make it a habit to use Vim in Termux for all text editing tasks to build proficiency.


Installing and configuring Vim in Termux transforms your Android device into a powerful coding and text-editing tool. With the right configurations, you can customize Vim to fit your workflow and enhance your productivity. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you now have everything you need to get started with Vim in Termux. Happy coding!

Discover More About Termux!

Ready to unlock the full potential of your Android device? Dive into The Ultimate Guide to Termux: Mastering Automation, Customization, and Development on Android and transform your mobile experience! Whether you’re a developer looking to code on the go, a power user eager to automate tasks, or someone who loves customizing their environment, this guide has everything you need. Start mastering Termux today and take control of your Android like never before!

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